Intervju frågor Au Pair
- How old are the children and what are their names?
- What are their personalities like?
- What do they like to do?
- Do they do any sports?
- What is your profession?
- What are your typical working hours?
- How does a normal week look like for you?
- Do you as a family has any interests together?
- What are your interest? (Föräldrarnas alltså)
- What will my schedule look like?
- Have you had an au pair before? If, can I get her email / talk with her?
- Can you tell me about the area where you live.
- Are there any other au pairs in the area?
- If the child is in school, how far is it to the school?
- What is your approach of raising children?
- What made you interested in my application?
- Will I be responsible for any kind of household duties that is related to the children?
- What kind of activities will you expect me to do with the children?
- Are there other duties you expect me to do?
- What kind of rules would you ask your au pair to follow?
- What kind of studie opportunities are offered in the area?
- Is there a park or some nature close to your home?
- Is there any gym or sport activities I can join in the area?
- What acess do I have to a car?
- Is there any public transportation such as bus or train in the area? If not, am I allowed to use the car when I don't work?
- Am I able to bring friends home to you?
- Will I be expected to drive the children to school or activities?
- How much involvement will I have in family activities?
- Do you have any pets?
- When do you need an au pair?